Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The Human Side of Software Development

I am a Software Developer, new business owner, and a bit of a quiet person. During the course of my career, I have come to realize that it is not enough to just write great software. In order to be seen and recognized, it is vital to be heard as well. Some may call it schmoozing, or even bragging, but - in order to expand your profile - you need to be vocal and visible as well. 

Many times I have left it to Team Leads or Middle Management to send the communication to Upper Management or the Client. This is their responsibility after all, right?  I didn't want to step on any toes, or make anyone angry. 

The problem with that approach is that my own visibility was almost non-existent. Sure, my Managers and fellow teammates were very pleased with my performance, but outside of them, I was a ghost.

Since I started my new position at my current place of employment, I have taken a completely different approach. No longer am I the quiet one at the back of the room who keeps my opinions to myself. I now actively seek out and participate in meetings with Upper Management, Clients, and Vendors. I will make my thoughts and feelings known (with the utmost professionalism), and be the first person to send the message on new features, enhancements, and problems.

Could this cause problems? Could being vocal or having and communicating an opinion possibly lead to some negativity? It is possible, but I will remember that a turtle makes progress ONLY when it sticks its neck out.

#SoftwareDevelopment #BeVocal #BusinessPractices#ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerEnhancement
